Delay (from Chance Practice to Deleuze, through Cologni)
Today I decided to upload some video extract from the discussion with Elena Cologni, as I have already mentioned to you.
While capturing the video from my camera to the computer, I realized that after the 1st minute you can no longer see Elena's face because Nic has accidentaly moved in the frame and is covering the whole of Elena. In that case I said to myself, I should only upload sound and no image.
While working on it, the word "Delay" striked back to me.
You know me, I love technology so I thought let's do an experiment and let's put some delay in the sound. After some efforts here is what I have up with (sounds like Reich, maybe I need to check out minimalist music and repetition, delay etc)
Today I decided to upload some video extract from the discussion with Elena Cologni, as I have already mentioned to you.
While capturing the video from my camera to the computer, I realized that after the 1st minute you can no longer see Elena's face because Nic has accidentaly moved in the frame and is covering the whole of Elena. In that case I said to myself, I should only upload sound and no image.
While working on it, the word "Delay" striked back to me.
You know me, I love technology so I thought let's do an experiment and let's put some delay in the sound. After some efforts here is what I have up with (sounds like Reich, maybe I need to check out minimalist music and repetition, delay etc)
(the quality is quite bad because I had to compress it, but maybe you can get the idea)
I know that Elena Cologni has been working a lot on Deleuzian concepts of time, and so I decided that I should do some research on Deleuze. In Search of Lost Time in Proust and Signs Deleuze believes that what constitutes the unity of Time is not memory.. The ‘search’ is not steered by the effort of recall or the exploration of memory, but by the desire for truth (which, following Nietzsche, we can say is always ‘hard’). In that sense my theatrical documentation (that Elena Cologni calls theatrical supplement) is not so much working on the idea of memory but on the desire for truth, desire to learn the reality. Moreover, war photography itself works with the establishment of memory as a means of making something (=war) real. As you can see there are many connections of my work to Deleuze and I still need to work harder on Deleuze (because he is very difficult to read). But as far as delay is concerned
Deleuze in fact speaks of delay in the last chapter. Deleuze seeks to show that there are several 'orders of truth' and no simple or single truth. The third order is the order of universal alteration of death, including the Idea of death and the production of catastrophe (the other two being reminiscences and essences). All that exists is corroded and distorted by time. Time gives life and time gives death. What is the specific effect of time that produces the idea of death? Deleuze argues as follows. With two given states of the same person - the earlier that we remember, the present that we experience - the impression of ageing from one to the other has the effect of pushing the earlier moment into a remote, improbable past. The movement of time from past to present is 'doubled by a forced movement of greater amplitude’ that sweeps away the two moments, stresses the gap between them, and pushes the past far back in time.
Very interesting for me to work with delay now. I will try to steal some more time to dedicate to Deleuze and maybe trying out new things on delay. Especially this idea of 'forced movement of greater amplitude' sounds very inspiring. I think I want to work further with sound also. I believe that there is a lot of visual memorization and archiving going on but not any in the sound/text. And I think that the main problem now of my research is the fact that my text does not have a performative element. I will try to see what I could do with that.
One last thing about Deleuze. I think Deleuze has also another relation to Time that he is not mentioning in his book. He is what I would scientifically call TIME CONSUMING... It takes me hours to really understand what he means. It's worth in the end, but that is the reason why today's blog is going to be so small.
Before all these great notions came to my mind (in fact they only came now in the night), I spent my whole day in the studio rehearsing. I worked on this very general structure I had made and I tried to make it work. Indeed, I am becoming more and more comfortable with the text, I am improvising and because I am distancing myself from the script, I have more freedom to realize other things that I might at the same time be doing (like I was speaking and I was dropping the pictures on the floor... that was very indecent of mine especially when I had a picture of a Nazi concentration camp). I think I should go on playing with this structure. Now my problem has to do with concentration (AGAIN). I just couldn't concentrate to give a whole lecture without every 2-3 mins getting distracted and doing somehting else.
I think I need to push myself. What would happen if I had an audience? Would I be dstracted? probably not... If only I could invite people... I just can't... Maybe instead I could use a camera. I'll try that out. And if I get distracted, maybe then you can scold me when you watch the video.
Why is it that we only learn and become better when we know that someone is going to scold us? Where is the self-motivation? Are we all servant students? Do we like masochism in education?
Deleuze is a very time consuming
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